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Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution.Introduction to Organic Molecules and Functional Groups.Organic Chemistry is my attempt to simplify and clarify a course that intimidates many students-to make organic chemistry interesting, relevant, and accessible to all students, both chemistry majors and those interested in pursuing careers in biology, medicine, and other disciplines, without sacrificing the rigor they need to be successful in the future. I have followed two guiding principles: use relevant and interesting applications to illustrate chemical phenomena, and present the material in a student-friendly fashion using bulleted lists, solved problems, and extensive illustrations and summaries. This text is based on lecture notes and handouts that were developed in my own organic chemistry courses over my 30-year teaching career. published by McGraw-Hill in 2008.Īccording to the author My goal in writing Organic Chemistry was to create a text that showed students the beauty and logic of organic chemistry by giving them a book that they would use.
Organic chemistry janice smith 3rd edition free#
Free download Organic Chemistry (3rd edition) written by Janice Gorzynski Smith in pdf.